When Will I Get The Keys To My Council House?
If you are looking to move into a council house in the UK, you may be wondering when you will receive the keys. In this blog post, we will explore the timeline of when you can expect to get the keys to your council house as well as discuss the reason(s) why there might be a delay in getting your keys.
When Will I Get The Keys To My Council House?
Generally, it takes between 4 to 8 weeks to get the keys to your council house. However, the timeline for when you can expect to receive the keys can vary depending on a variety of factors.
The timeline for getting the keys to your council house starts with your local authority processing your housing application. Once you are deemed eligible for council housing by them, you will start receiving offers for council housing and will become part of the bidding process along with other applicants.
Once your bid is shortlisted, you will be asked to view the property in person and confirm your intent to rent it. This will be followed by an interview with council housing officials or a social housing landlord. They will also perform certain verification checks regarding your identity, as well as your personal and financial status.
The amount of time it takes between this stage and the next depends on how smoothly your verification check proceeds and how easy (or difficult) it is to verify the documents that you have provided to support your claim for council housing.
Another factor that determines the amount of time it takes to get your council house keys beyond this stage is the priority band assigned to you for council housing or in simple terms, the number of applications ahead of you. Applicants who are assigned a higher priority band (based on their circumstances) are likely to get keys to their council house sooner than those in a lower priority band.
Once your council housing application has completed all these stages, the local authority will then inspect the property and decide if it is suitable for occupation. If the property is found to be in good condition and fit for habitation, then they will then issue the keys to you.
Once you have received the keys, it’s important to remember that you are still subject to certain regulations and conditions as a tenant. In most cases, you will need to sign a tenancy agreement before you can officially move into your new home. This is a legally binding document that outlines your rights and responsibilities as a tenant, so make sure you read through it carefully before signing.
How Can I Get Keys To My Council House Quicker?
Whether or not you can get keys to your council house depends on two factors:
- your priority ranking for council housing
- the stage of the application process you are in
Council housing applicants who face any of the following situations will be given the highest priority for council housing:
- they are legally homeless
- they have a severe medical condition or disability
- they are in potential danger such as domestic abuse
- they are living in an over-crowded house or under poor sanitary conditions
As for the stage of your council housing application process, you must keep in mind that if you have just applied for council housing, it can take a few months to get the keys to your council house, especially if you are in a low-priority rank and are asking for a larger council house. Applicants who are in a higher priority rank and require smaller council houses tend to get council houses earlier than others.
If your council housing application is approved, you can move from this stage to getting your council house keys quicker if the following steps proceed smoothly:
- you remain open and flexible in choosing a council house
- you bid wisely and follow through with the offer you make
- your verification check is successful
- the documents you share for a background check are accurate and updated
- you are approved by the council or social housing landlord after the interview
- you can meet the requirements mentioned in the tenancy agreement
Can Your Council Housing Application Be Refused At Any Stage Of The Process?
Yes, your council housing application can be refused at any stage of the process; even if you were able to prove your eligibility for council housing when you initially applied to the local council.
Refusals can take place for many reasons; some of which are discussed below:
- You are unable to pay the rental deposit or the first rental payment according to the due date mentioned in the tenancy agreement. If the authorities have asked you to pay the first month’s rent as part of your verification check or on the day of signing the tenancy agreement and you have not been able to make the payment, the offer made to you for council housing will be revoked.
- If you have housing debt such as rental arrears (whether it is with a private or social housing landlord) and the council authorities learn about this, your council housing application will be put on hold until the debt is cleared.
- If your background check reveals that you have been known to break tenancy rules or there is a record of antisocial behaviour, you may be refused a council housing offer despite clearing all the other stages in the process.
- If there has been a change in your circumstances during the application process that no longer qualifies you for council housing, you will not be offered a council house or your offer will be revoked.
However, if you believe that you have been refused a council housing tenancy in error, you should inform your local council with evidence to support your claim.
The above discussion helps to conclude that the amount of time it takes to get keys to your council house primarily depends on which stage of the application process you are in. If you have viewed the property and made your offer, you can expect to get the keys to your council house as soon as the verification checks are complete and the tenancy terms are agreed upon. This usually takes a few weeks to process.
How long does it take to get council house keys? | Mumsnet
Getting a council home – Citizens Advice
How To Get A Council House Quicker: Our Top Tips And Tricks | PPO