Why Is The Bank Asking For My TIN Number?

If you’ve been asked to provide a TIN number to the bank and are wondering why you need to do so, you will find the answer to your question in the following article. In addition to this, we will also discuss what steps you should take if the bank asks you to provide a TIN number and where will you find it.

Why Is The Bank Asking For My TIN Number?

In the United Kingdom, a TIN (Tax Identification Number) is required in order to open a bank account. This is because the bank needs to know your tax status in order to determine how much tax to withhold from your interest earnings. 

The bank may request your TIN number for a variety of reasons. One of the primary ones is to ensure you are in compliance with all relevant tax rules. Banks are often required to provide information to tax authorities in the form of TIN numbers, so they may ask for yours as part of their due diligence. 

Banks can also use your TIN number to verify your identity, particularly in relation to international payments. The number provides proof of your UK residency, enabling faster transactions with banks abroad. Finally, some banks may also ask for your TIN number to ensure their records are up to date and to reduce the risk of any errors or fraud.

If you don’t have a TIN, you can apply for one by completing a self-assessment tax return. You can also get a TIN by registering for VAT or registering for Self-Employment. Once you have your TIN, you can provide it to the bank when they request it. If you have any questions, you can contact HMRC or your local tax office.

However, TIN numbers are used as a combination of your Unique Taxpayer’s Reference (UTR) Number and your National Insurance Number (NINO) in the UK. 

it is important to remember that a TIN number can potentially be used for fraudulent activities if not given to the bank with caution. Ensure that the information given is correct and all the necessary documents are provided in order to ensure safe banking transactions. It is important to understand the difference between documents used to prove identity and ones used to verify UK residency; different documents may be required by the bank in each case. 

What Should I Do If The Bank Asks For My Tin Number?

If the bank requests your TIN (UTR or NINO) number, ensure you provide it. You should also ensure that your TIN number is accurate; incorrect information will result in issues such as fraud prevention and banking errors. 

In addition, the bank may require proof of identity and/or residency, depending on the purpose of requiring the TIN number. For example, international payments may require additional documents in order to verify your identity and/or UK residency. 

You also have the option of opting for an alternative form of identification instead of providing a TIN number. This can include documents like a driver’s license, passport, or National Insurance number. 

However, if the request is related to taxation or international payments, you may be required to provide a TIN number.

Where Can I Find My TIN Number?

Your TIN number or NINO can be found in the following documents:

  • payslip 
  • P60 form 
  • letters about tax, pensions and benefits 
  • personal tax account
  • a confirmation letter from the HMRC

If you are looking for your UTR number, this is on the front page of form SA100 or CT600 which is used to file tax returns. Additionally, it can also be found on a form SA316 or CT603 or a Statement of Account. 

If you cannot find your TIN number, you can use an online form to request it or call the HMRC at 0300 200 3500 and ask for guidance.


In conclusion, if your bank asks for a TIN number, then always provide it when requested. Be sure to keep all documents requested by the bank and remain aware of additional documents that may be requested for more specialised payments. Following this advice will help to guarantee safe banking for you and your finances.


Monzo Help – Why do we ask where you’re a tax resident

Automatic Exchange of Information: account holders – GOV.UK

Taxpayer Identification Number required by the bank — MoneySavingExpert Forum