What Benefits Can I Claim If I Have Leukaemia?

If you or a family member are suffering from Leukaemia, you may be interested in the content of the following article which aims to answer the question of what benefits can someone claim if they have leukaemia. We will discuss the eligibility criteria for relevant benefits as well as how to apply for them. 

What Benefits Can I Claim If I Have Leukaemia?

The benefits you can claim if you have Leukaemia include the following:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit
  • Statutory Sick Pay
  • Bereavement Support Payment

Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payment are non-means-tested Disability Benefits that aim to provide support to individuals who are suffering from a severe health condition or disability. 

Since Leukaemia is classed as a disability as per the Equality Act 2010, patients can claim these benefits if they need to be supervised or supported for personal care or mobility.

If you claim Attendance Allowance, DLA or PIP and someone helps you with everyday tasks or in moving around, your carer can claim the following benefits:

  • Carer’s Allowance or Carer’s Credit
  • Carer’s Premium (on selected benefits)
  • Housing Benefit
  • Universal Credit
  • Council Tax Reduction

Individuals who have lost their jobs or are unable to work full time due to their health conditions can claim Employment and Support Allowance. This is a means-tested benefit that aims to support individuals who are either on a low income and need help to manage their expenses or are unable to work due to a health condition. Since ESA is being replaced with Universal Credit across the UK along with the other legacy benefits, you may need to check with the DWP if you should apply for ESA or Universal Credit.

In addition to state benefits, you may also claim Statutory Sick Pay from your employer if you are unable to work due to your health condition. If you are eligible to claim SSP as per your employment contract, you will get £99.35 per week for 28 weeks. You can claim welfare benefits while claiming SSP from your employer.

Individuals who have lost their partners to leukaemia can claim Bereavement Support Payment. This is a one-off payment to help with funeral costs and other expenses.

In addition to welfare benefits, you can claim grants through charities if you are on a low income and need financial support. Leukaemia UK provides one-off payments to aid leukaemia patients to meet their health and living costs.

You can also claim state support with your energy bills and transport costs if you have a severe condition of leukaemia. Additionally, you will also be eligible for free prescriptions from the NHS.

How Do You Claim Disability Benefits If You Have Leukaemia?

Disability Benefits such as Attendance Allowance and Personal Independence Payment can be claimed for adults by meeting the eligibility criteria and applying to the DWP.

You can claim Attendance Allowance online by completing the Attendance Allowance claim form and submitting a printed version to Freepost DWP Attendance Allowance.

You will need to provide medical evidence from your GP or hospital doctor that states you have cancer, as well as a letter from your specialist which confirms your diagnosis and that you are receiving treatment.

The amount you can claim will depend on the level of care you need. You can get the lower rate of £61.85 if you require frequent help or regular supervision during the day, or to be looked after at night. Otherwise, you can claim the higher rate of £92.40 if you need supervision throughout the day and night.

To claim PIP, you must meet the cancer diagnosis requirements set by the government. You will then need to fill out a PIP form, which can be obtained from your local Jobcentre Plus office or by calling the PIP enquiry line at 0800 917 2222.

Once you have completed the form, you will need to send it to the PIP assessment team along with any supporting evidence, such as a medical report from your GP or consultant. The assessment team will then decide whether you are eligible for PIP and, if so, how much you will receive.

If you are eligible for PIP, you will receive a daily living allowance (DLA) and/or a mobility allowance, depending on your needs. The amount you receive will be reviewed regularly and may increase or decrease depending on your changing circumstances. You can expect payments to be between £61.85 and £92.40 for the Daily Living Part and between £24.45 and £64.50 for the Mobility Part.

You can contact the Disability Service Centre to check your eligibility for PIP and apply online.

How Do You Claim DLA For A Child Who Has Leukaemia?

To claim DLA for a child with leukaemia, you will need to first make sure that they meet the following eligibility criteria:- 

  • Be under 16 years of age
  • Live in England, Wales, a European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland
  • Have lived in the UK or Great Britain for a minimum period of 6 of the recent 12 months (this applies to a child above 3 years of age)
  • Be a habitual resident of the UK, Ireland, Isle of Man or the Channel Islands
  • Not be subject to immigration control
  • Require additional care or have walking difficulties

Claims can be made online by parents, step-parents, guardians, grandparents, foster parents or older brothers or sisters using the DLA1 Child (ALT) claim form, or by calling the Disability Living Allowance helpline at 0800 121 4600 and requesting a printed form.

It can take up to 12 weeks to get a decision on your claim. If you’re approved for DLA, you’ll get a letter telling you how much you’ll get and for how long. Payments are made every four weeks, and you can choose to have them paid into your bank account or by cheque.

How Can A Carer Claim Benefits If They Take Care Of Someone With Leukaemia?

To claim benefits as a carer of someone with Leukaemia, you will need to first check if you meet the eligibility criteria for each benefit that you intend to apply for.

For instance, Carer’s Allowance is a benefit that is paid to people who are caring for someone with a disability or long-term illness. To be eligible for this benefit, you must be aged 16 or over and spend at least 35 hours a week caring for your loved one. You must also not be in full-time education, and you must not be earning more than £128 a week.

To apply for Carer’s Allowance you can either apply online or by calling the Carer’s Allowance Unit at 0800 731 0297.

If you are taking care of someone with leukaemia, you may also be eligible for other benefits, such as:

  • Housing Benefit; to help you with your rent if you are on a low income
  • Council Tax Reduction; to help you with your Council Tax bill if you are on a low income, aged 18 or over and living in England, Scotland, or Wales
  • Universal Credit; to help you with your living costs if you are on a low income, aged 18 or over and working less than 16 hours a week.

If you are not eligible for any of the above benefits, you may still be able to get help with the costs of caring through the Carer’s Credit scheme. This is a National Insurance credit that can help you maintain your NI record if you have to give up work to care for someone.

If you claim any of the following benefits, you can be eligible for a Carer’s Premium as a top-up to your usual payment:

  • Income Support
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax Support
  • Universal Credit (carer element)
  • Pension Credit (carer addition)
  • income-related Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance

You can apply for Carer’s Premium through your local JobCentre Plus or Jobs and Benefits office.

If you are taking care of someone with Leukaemia, you may also be able to get help with the costs of travel, prescriptions, and other medical expenses. For more information about the help that you may be able to get, contact your local authority or the Leukaemia Care helpline on 0808 800 1234.


The above discussion helps to conclude that patients suffering from leukaemia can claim the following forms of support:

  • disability benefits for their health condition
  • some means-tested benefits due to being on a low income
  • grants and medical support to meet increased expenses

FAQs: What Benefits Can I Claim If I Have Leukaemia?

Is leukaemia classed as a disability in the UK?

Yes, leukaemia is classed as a disability in the UK according to the Equality Act 2010. Patients are covered by the act from the time that they are diagnosed with the condition.

Can I get a blue badge if I have leukaemia?

You may not be eligible for a blue badge if you have leukaemia. You can only claim it if you have evidence to prove that your health condition prevents you from walking for a long distance.

How much do you get for a Macmillan Grant?

You can get a one-off payment of £350 if you apply for a Macmillan Grant for leukaemia. This can help you with energy costs and home adaptations (in case you need any).

Can you still work with leukaemia?

Yes, you can still work with leukaemia; as long as your doctor permits you to. When people with the condition have structured routines, jobs and hobbies, their prognosis has been found to improve with time.


Does leukaemia cause you to lose teeth?

Leukaemia patients may lose their teeth as the condition makes their immune system weak which can lead to dental problems, along with other health issues.


Welfare Benefits – Part 2:

Blood cancer: money and work

What benefits can I claim? | Coping with cancer