How Can You Get 130 Points On Housing Executive?

If you are seeking to gain 130 points on Housing Executive, you will find detailed guidance on the points system and how to estimate your housing points through the content of the following blog post.

How Can You Get 130 Points On Housing Executive?

Usually, one can get 130 points on Housing Executive in Northern Ireland if they are living under dire conditions and have a priority need for being moved into council housing for safe and secure accommodation.

There are different categories under which Housing Executive awards housing points. Sometimes, it takes a combination of factors under different categories to help individuals earn housing points as high as 130 and be ranked higher in the priority list for council housing.

These categories are:

  • insecurity of tenure: this includes being homeless, facing intimidation and living in temporary housing or a shelter
  • housing conditions: this includes living under overcrowded, unsanitary or cramped conditions; as well as when the housing structure needs essential repairs such as treatment for mould or a pest infestation
  • health and well-being: this includes people with disabilities or a health condition due to which they have mobility problems and require assistance
  • social needs: this includes having a personal connection to the place due to family, friends or workplace 

Based on these categories, some real-life situations and their corresponding housing points are as follows:

  • There are 200 points for individuals who are living under intimidation, fear of life or their home was destroyed
  • There are 70 points for those who are homeless or living at risk of becoming homeless
  • There are 40 points for people who have primary social needs; especially individuals who are recovering from a trauma

However, it is usually a combination of multiple factors that can get you 130 points on Housing Executive. This includes different circumstances from different categories that can add up to a sum of 130 points.

Can You Get 130 Points On Housing Executive Due To Homelessness?

Yes, you can get 130 points on Housing Executive due to homelessness. Depending on your situation, you can get as much as 200 points on Housing Executive due to homelessness. These can be awarded to individuals who have faced any of the following situations:

  • If someone’s home is destroyed due to an explosion, or fire due to a terrorism/racial/disability/sectarian attack or there is an imminent risk of such an attack
  • If someone has been attacked or is at risk of being under serious attack by a person who falls within the scope of neighbourhood nuisance or antisocial behaviour

Then there are other situations related to homelessness with different amounts of points attached to each particular situation. These are:

  • If someone is homeless or at risk of homelessness, they will be awarded 70 points
  • If someone is homeless because of the end of a relationship or after being released from a hospital or prison, they can get 50 points
  • If someone has to share basic amenities with another person who is not part of their household, they will get 40 points

If these points are not enough, there can be additional situations that one is faced with that will add to the points total and the sum of the points can reach 130 to give the applicant priority on the council housing list with Housing Executive.

What Should You Do If You Can’t Get 130 Points On Housing Executive?

If you can’t get 130 points on Housing Executive, you should assess your situation based on the four categories explained at the beginning of the blog post and see if the combination of two or more conditions can increase your housing points to 130.

For instance, if you are living in unsanitary housing conditions or there is dampness in your current house and this is worsening your health condition, so much so that living in the property makes you sicker, you may be able to get more housing points and move higher in the rank in the priority list for council housing

If this is not possible, you may have to be content with the housing points you can qualify for; even if it means being on a lower priority rank and having to wait longer to move into social housing accommodation.

However, if you don’t have enough housing points to qualify for a Housing Executive premises, you may need to seek the help of a housing advisor. You can call a Housing Executive adviser on 028 9024 5640 between 09:30 am and 4:30 pm from Monday to Friday.

Alternatively, you can use an online form to get advice by email.


The above discussion brings us to the conclusion that one can get 130 points (or even more) on Housing Executive either if their home was destroyed due to an explosion or an attack or if they are eligible for council housing based on more than one criteria and the combination of different factors sums up to 130 points.


Working out your housing points

The Housing Executive – The points system

Housing Selection Scheme Points