Do You Get Disability Benefits For Ileostomy In The UK?

If you are wondering whether or not one can claim Disability Benefits for Ileostomy in the UK, you will find the answer to your question in the following blog post. In addition to this, we will also discuss the eligibility criteria for claiming disability benefits for an ileostomy, the steps involved in the application and explore whether any other form of support is available to those claiming disability benefits for ileostomy in the UK.

Do You Get Disability Benefits For Ileostomy In The UK?

Yes, you can get disability benefits for ileostomy in the UK if your condition causes any of the following situations:

  • you are unable to perform everyday tasks or move around with ease
  • you are unable to work or are forced to reduce your working hours due to your condition
  • you are on a low income or have no income due to your condition

An ileostomy is an opening that is created in the ileum (the last section of the small intestine) and brought to the surface of the abdomen. This is done by surgically removing a section of the intestine and then attaching the end of the intestine to the opening.

If someone has had an ileostomy, their condition is considered a disability by the UK government according to the Equality Act 2010; which states that “You’re disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities”.

Therefore, any person who has an ileostomy can claim disability benefits to help with the costs associated with living with a disability.

The disability benefits related to ileostomy help individuals with this condition to live an independent life and provide financial support to cope with costs such as medical care, travel expenses, and other expenses that are related to the disability.

These benefits can help individuals with ileostomy to pay for medical equipment, adaptations to their home, or to cover the cost of transport to medical appointments. Having financial aid to cover the costs associated with ileostomy or stoma can significantly improve the quality of life and make living with the condition less challenging.

Which Disability Benefits Do You Get For Ileostomy In The UK?

In the UK, there are two main types of disability benefits that you can claim for ileostomy. These are Attendance Allowance (AA) and Personal Independence Payment (PIP). In addition to this, you can also apply for a Blue Badge for your disability.

Other benefits that you may be entitled to include the following:

  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA): This can provide claimants with money to help with their living costs if they are unable to work, as well as financial support to get back into work if their condition allows them to.
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA): This disability benefit is for claimants younger than 16 years of age to provide them with financial support to manage their living expenses. 
  • Universal Credit: If you are claiming DLA and are unable to work or are on a low income, you can also claim Universal Credit to help you with your expenses. If you unable to pay for your housing expenses or have children under your care, you may be eligible for additional amounts to top up your standard UC allowance.

Depending on your individual circumstances, you may be able to claim one or more of these benefits.

How Do You Know If You Are Eligible For Disability Benefits For An Ileostomy In The UK?

Anyone in the UK who has an ileostomy is eligible to apply for disability benefits. To be eligible, you must meet the criteria to qualify for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP). 

In general, applicants must have an ileostomy for at least 6 months before they are eligible to claim disability benefits. They must also be able to prove that their condition has a long-term effect on their health and daily life. 

The DLA and PIP criteria vary on a case-by-case basis. Applicants must provide sufficient evidence of their disability and its effect on their daily life. This evidence can include medical test results, diagnosis, a GP’s written opinion, or any other form of medical proof. 

If you meet the initial criteria, you can begin your application process by contacting the Department for Work and Pensions. They can provide more information on the different types of financial assistance available.

What Is The Application Process For Claiming Disability Benefits For Ileostomy In The UK?

To apply for disability benefits for ileostomy in the UK, you must follow the steps below:

  • Determine your eligibility criteria: The criteria for eligibility vary on a case-by-case basis. You must prove that you have a long-term disability and its effect on daily life through the presentation of medical evidence and diagnosis.
  • Evaluate your needs: Consider the level of financial aid you need and the type of support you are eligible for; this will help you choose the best type of disability benefit.
  • Collect all documents: Gather all the necessary documents, such as medical evidence and diagnosis, to apply for disability benefits.
  • Make contact with the DWP: Contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to begin the application process.
  • Submit the application: Fill out the application form and submit it along with the required documents and proofs for each benefit separately.

How Do You Apply For Each Disability Benefits For Ileostomy In The UK?

Once you gather the required documents for your claims process, you will need to apply for each disability benefit separately.

You can claim Attendance Allowance by filling out the Attendance Allowance claim form online or in writing and sending it to Freepost DWP Attendance Allowance via post. Individuals who require help either during the day or night are entitled to £60 per week as an Attendance Allowance; while those who require help during the day and night can claim £89.60 per week. 

To apply for Personal Independence Payment, you can call the PIP helpline at Telephone: 0800 917 2222 or send a letter to PIP new claims at the following address: 

Personal Independence Payment New Claims 

Post Handling Site B 


WV99 1AH 

If you are claiming the Daily Living Part, you will be paid between £61.85 and £92.40; however, if you are eligible for the Mobility Part, you will get between £24.45 and £64.50.

Is There Any Other Support For Ileostomy Patients In The UK?

Yes, there are other forms of support for ileostomy and stoma patients in the UK. In addition to disability benefits, which offer financial aid, many organisations and charities provide support and help to those suffering from these conditions.

The Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Support Group is a charity that offers support and information to patients with ileostomies and internal pouches. They host regular meetings, provide expert advice and help, and offer a telephone helpline.

Stoma UK is a similar charity offering support and help to those with an ileostomy or an internal pouch. They provide an online community and network of local groups, as well as support materials to help patients make informed decisions on their condition. 

Another organisation offering help and support is ColostomyUK. They provide general advice and guidance, host local support groups, and offer an online community as well as a helpline. They also organise awareness events to encourage people to talk openly about conditions such as ileostomy and stoma.


The above discussion helps to conclude that you can claim disability benefits for ileostomy in the UK as long as you are able to meet the basic eligibility criteria. This includes being unable to perform everyday tasks or move around with ease, being unable to work or being forced to reduce your working hours due to your condition or being on a low income or having no income due to your condition.


Am I Disabled Enough? | SecuriCare

Blue Badge Scheme: consultation on eligibility – Colostomy UK

PIP Assessment | What Is It & How Can You Benefit? – Pelican Healthcare

Disability Information