Do monetary gifts count as income for benefits?

This blog answers the question “Do monetary gifts count as income for benefits?” Income recorded on gifts of money does not influence your eligibility for any income based or other benefits. The blog mentions that the best way of gifting money is to leave it to the beneficiary of a life insurance policy which is written in a trust.

Do monetary gifts count as income for benefits?

Monetary gifts are not counted as income when assessing eligibility requirements for benefits.  Claims for benefits can only be affected by an increase in your income or by a high level of savings (benefits get affected from savings above £6000 a month) So you can continue to qualify for most of the benefit payments you are getting even after making gifts of money.

You can have only £6000 of savings which doesn’t affect your claim for council tax benefits. With savings in excess of £6000 your benefits will be reduced by the value of your capital tariff income (an amount in proportion with your excess savings).

The gifts of money or other gifts made during your lifetime are usually assessed after your death. The inheritance tax on the gifts where it is applicable will be deducted from the estate left behind by you. 

Making small gifts of money will not affect any Income Support, Employment and Support Allowance, New Style Jobseekers Allowance or Universal Credit payments you get. 

I am under 18 years old, will any gifts from my parents be taxed?

Any gifts from your parents will not be taxed if you satisfy the conditions given belowThis is because if you follow all of the eligibility criteria given below the entire income is treated as parental allowance which means it is taxed as your parents’ income, not yours:

  • under the age of 18 years and single
  • and one of your parents sends a monetary gift to you or transfers the gift money to your account
  • The aggregated funds provided to you by that parent will then generate over £100 of pre-tax income annually

For 16 and 17 year olds the parenting rules apply when any of your parents donate (or open) an Individual Savings Account (ISA) by using their own credentials. This rule applies even if the annual income (before tax) from the savings account exceeds £100,. However, in case the monetary gift is intended for a Junior ISA, these gifts are entered in the child’s name as a separate entity.

Also keep in mind that your income matters when looking at the student loan amount you can get, so any income from a parent gift can influence your application.

Do I need to declare my cash gifts to HMRC?

Whether you need to declare your cash gifts to HMRC or not depends on their amount.There is no need to notify HMRC of any small cash gifts you make, these are gifts under £ 250.

Also, you don’t have to declare any donations made with the £ 3,000 annual annual exemption.

Anything that exceeds these amounts may be subject to tax and must be reported to HMRC.

Failure to declare gifts can lead to heavy fines.

Is it possible for me to give my house as a gift to a family member?

Yes, you can give your house to a family member after your death.In your will, you must indicate who you want to inherit as heirs.Whether you have to pay inheritance tax on this asset depends on the price of your property.

If the value of your property is below the £325,000 threshold, you are unlikely to have to pay inheritance tax.However, if your property exceeds the £325,000 threshold, inheritance tax will apply. You can avoid or minimize the payment of inheritance tax by donating your property during your lifetime.

If you live at least 7 years after the gift, the property will not form part of your estate and you will not be charged inheritance tax.If you die within 3 to 7 years of the donation, it is subject to inheritance tax.

If you choose to give your home to a family member while you are still alive, HMRC will ask you to move out or pay your beneficiary’s rent (usually at the usual rate for similar properties in the area) so that he can, on this gift, have no taxes to pay.

If you’re paying a mortgage and want a loved one to inherit that property when you die, a life insurance payout can provide the funds needed to fully pay off the remaining mortgage balance. In this way they can become the owners of the house.

How can I be exempt from gift tax?

You can be exempt from gift tax as long as the gift does not exceed £3,000 (your annual tax exemption) or it is another type of exempt gift such as:

  • Gift for marriage or civil marriage (amounts authorized see previous table)

Small gifts (up to £250 paid by regular income)

  • Donations to charities
  • Subsistence Gifts
  • Gifts to your spouse

For life insurance, you can put your life insurance policy in a trust (for use by the relevant beneficiary) to be exempt from inheritance tax. Writing your policy in trust is a free option that allows someone you trust to administer your policy after your death.You are then responsible for distributing your payment as you wish under the life insurance policy.

Because your policy will be separate from your estate (when you write it in a trust), your beneficiaries won’t have to pay 40% estate tax on the payout they receive. Not only can this option help you avoid (or minimize) inheritance taxes, it can also help you to avoid the probate process

What is the best method for gifting money?

The best method for gifting money while you are alive is to:

  • By transferring money directly to your beneficiary’s bank account
  • By writing a check in the beneficiary’s name

You can also give money to your loved ones after your death by leaving them an inheritance.

This is done by taking out a life insurance policy and naming the beneficiary you wish to benefit from your policy.

If you die during the life of your policy, a benefit will be paid and your closest relatives will receive their inheritance.By writing your policy in confidence, your loved ones can avoid / minimize the payment of a 40% inheritance tax and benefit from your policy as much as possible.

Does it matter when you give your gift of money?

Yes, the timing of your gift is important. A gift you make to someone more than seven years before your death is exempt from inheritance tax.

Any gift you make seven years or less before your death is subject to inheritance tax, but at a reduced rate depending on the number of years since the gift was given. This is called taper relief.

How much money can I gift to my family and children without paying any tax?

What you want to give your children or other family members and how much you give is entirely up to you. But to make sure it’s tax-free, it’s important to plan when you give that gift.

As long as you live more than seven years after making this gift, your relatives will not have to pay estate tax on your gift when you die. However, any income or gains obtained from this donation may have tax consequences for the recipient of the money (such as capital gains tax)

But if you don’t live more than seven years after giving the gift, they may have to pay inheritance tax. When the gift is first given, it is called a potentially exempt transfer because, assuming you are still alive for seven years, no inheritance tax is due on it.

 If you die within seven years, this is called a bank transfer and will be charged with inheritance tax.

What are the taxes on gifting money to a charity in my will?

No inheritance taxes are charged on gifting money to a charity in your will. Any money or physical property you leave to a qualifying charity, either during your lifetime or in your will, would be exempt from Inheritance Tax (IHT) .

It also reduces the rate at which the inheritance tax must drop from the current 40% to 36%. This reduced tax rate would only apply if the value given to the charity was at least 10% of the “net worth” at the date of death. This saves potentially thousands of pounds.In general, net worth is defined as the value remaining after deducting all tax exemptions (including your available zero-rate resident limit) and any other available relief.

What is a Potentially Exempt Transfer (PET)?

A potentially tax-exempt transfer (PET) allows a person to make gifts of unlimited value that are exempt from inheritance tax (IHT) if the person lives for 7 years after giving them. In case the person dies within 7 years of making the gift to someone,  the PET becomes dependent consideration and adds to the value of your estate for the inheritance tax. If the aggregate value of the deceased person’s estate exceeds the £325000 threshold, inheritance tax will be applied to it.

Any potentially exempt lifetime transfer must meet certain conditions and can be subject to certain exceptions. The transfer is a gift from one person to another person or to a specified trust. This means, for example, that the donation cannot be made by or to a company.

For example, a person donates £400,000 to a charity during their lifetime:

This gift will first utilize the available Nil Rate Band of £325,000 (the order in which the gifts of money were made during the person’s lifetime are followed for accounting purposes).The remaining £75,000 at the time of the person’s death will have inheritance tax applied to it. This amount has the total inheritance tax charged on the person’s estate added to it.

If the amount of the gift over £325000 was charged more than 3 years before the passing away of the individual, the inheritance tax might be reduced..


This blog post addressed the question “Do monetary gifts count as income for benefits?” The timing of your gifts of money are crucial in evaluating whether you will pay inheritance tax on them or not. Gifts of money given to family, children or any third party more than 7 years before a person’s death will be counted as a “bank transfer” (a gift exempt from inheritance tax). HMRC needs to be informed of gifts of over £3000 (annually) and exceeding this limitation would also indicate a personal level of savings incompatible with most benefit support schemes.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) : Do monetary gifts count as income for benefits?

Which gifts are tax free?

The following gifts are tax free:

  • Small gifts under £250

You can give an unlimited number of gifts up to a value of £250 to a single recipient, but not to people who have already benefited from your annual exemption (of £3000)

  • Gifts out of your income

Donations made from income may also be exempt from tax. This means that you can donate money from your salary or pension and it will not be deducted from inheritance tax. The donation being given has to be sourced (with evidence) from a job or other income, and not from your personal savings

According to HMRC, these donations should form some sort of regular spending pattern. So the gifts could be monthly payments of £250. A good rule of thumb is that it probably qualifies if the gift is issued from your checking account.

If your family members are currently dependent on you due to old age or illness, gifts for them are also untaxable. These relatives also include an ex-husband, ex-wife or ex-civil partner.

Gifts for the maintenance, education or training of your children aged 18 and under (including stepchildren and adopted children) are also exempt from IHT.

  • Wedding gifts are not taxable

           Gifts to people getting married are not taxed as long as they are made before the wedding ceremony. The amount you can give depends on your relationship with the recipient. You can give monetary gifts of upto £5,000 before the wedding ceremony of your children, like on the Saturday before a Jewish wedding.

You can send a gift worth £2,500 to a grandchild or great-grandchild. You can give your spouse a gift of £2,500 and between civil partners. Gifts of £1,000 for everyone else are not taxable.

  • Charitable and political donations. 

You will not be required to pay inheritance tax on gifts from UK based charities,

gifts from national museums, gifts from universities, gifts from the National Trust, gifts from major political parties, gifts from registered housing associations and gifts from municipal amateur sports associations.

Additionally, if you donate to charities or political parties in your will, you may be eligible for a reduced IHT rate (36%, instead of the usual 40%) on your remaining assets. The charity must be registered in the UK to be eligible and the amount you leave to the charity must form a minimum of 10% of your “net” assets.

How does inheritance tax work if I remarry?

If your partner dies and you remarry, you can still use their unused inheritance tax allowance.

You are still only allowed to benefit from a maximum of two Nil Rate Bands (£325000 plus £325000) including your own. This personal allowance figure does not include your overall estate allowance.

However, if your spouse has exhausted some of their benefits, you can utilize unused amounts belonging to any other deceased spouses (in case you have married more than once) or from your current partner. The single Nil Rate Band limit applies to this sum of spouse allowances which also exclude your personal allowance (of £325000). So the non current partner or deceased spouse’s inheritance tax allowance will only cover £325000 ( at most) of the IHT limit your deceased spouse has exhausted.


The Inheritance Tax Act 1984 Section 57 A Relief Where Property Enters Maintenance Fund

The Inheritance Tax Act 1984 Section 11  Dispositions for Maintenance of Family

The Inheritance Tax Act 1984 Section 3A Potentially Exempt Transfers

The Inheritance Tax Act 1984 Section 8A Transfer of unused nil rate bands between spouses and civil partners

The Inheritance Tax Act 1984 Section 20 Small Gifts

The Inheritance Tax Act 1984 Section 22 Gifts in Consideration of Marriage

The Inheritance Tax Act 1984 Section 24 Gifts to Political Parties