Can You Tax A SORN Vehicle At The Post Office?

If you are wondering whether you can tax a SORN vehicle at a local post office, you will find the answer to your question in the following blog post. In addition to this, we will also discuss that if you were to tax a SORN vehicle at the post office, which documents would you need, what are the steps that you would need to follow in the application process and what are the important points to consider in such as case.

Can You Tax A SORN Vehicle At The Post Office?

Yes, you can tax a SORN vehicle at the post office. If you’ve previously declared a vehicle as SORN and kept it off public roads, you can reverse its SORN status by paying the due amount of car tax or Vehicle Excise Duty at a local post office that deals with car tax.

However, before you visit the post office to reverse your vehicle’s SORN status, you will need to prepare the necessary documents and confirm your eligibility. This starts with making sure that your SORN vehicle meets all the requirements to be taxed and driven legally on the road. This includes having valid insurance and an up-to-date MOT certificate.

Since you will be needing your vehicle documents when you visit the post office to pay car tax, you will need to gather the necessary paperwork; including your V5C registration certificate (also known as vehicle the log book) and any other relevant documents.

While you can attain the vehicle tax application form at the post office, you will need to make sure that you carry a copy of your vehicle’s valid insurance and an MOT certificate. You will need to provide these as supporting documents along with a completed V10 form and your V5C registration certificate.

Finally, it is important to calculate the appropriate vehicle tax amount due on your vehicle as you will be required to make this payment while filing the vehicle tax application form. You can either choose to do the calculation yourself or seek advice from relevant officials at the post office. 

How Do You Tax A SORN Vehicle At The Post Office?

To tax a SORN vehicle at the post office, you are advised to follow these steps:

  • You should start with identify a post office that provides vehicle tax services. You can visit the official Post Office website and click on the Branch Finder tab or contact your local post office to confirm their availability for vehicle tax transactions.
  • Once you’ve confirmed the location of a relevant post office, you should pay a visit to them with the relevant vehicle documents. It is advisable to avoid peak times to minimise waiting time.
  • You will need to inform the staff that you would like to tax your SORN vehicle. They will provide you with the appropriate application form, which is typically a V10 application for vehicle tax.
  • You should fill out the V10 form accurately and legibly by providing the required details, such as your personal information, vehicle details, and taxation class.
  • You should declare on the V10 form that your vehicle was previously declared as SORN by ticking the relevant box or providing the necessary information regarding the SORN declaration.
  • You will need to provide your V5C registration certificate and any other documents requested by the post office, such as a valid insurance certificate or MOT certificate as supportive documents along with the application.
  • You will also need to pay the due amount of vehicle tax amount based on the taxation class of your vehicle (You can consult the current rates and methods of payment accepted at the post office). You can pay the required tax amount using cash, debit card, or any other accepted payment method.
  • Once your payment has been processed, the post office will provide you with a confirmation of your vehicle tax payment. You should retain this document as proof of tax payment while driving your vehicle on the road.

What Are Some Key Considerations For Taxing A SORN Vehicle?

When taxing a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) vehicle, you will need to keep in mind some important considerations. These include the following:

  • You should have valid insurance in place before taxing a SORN vehicle as it is a legal requirement to have appropriate insurance coverage when driving on public roads.
  • Your vehicle must have a valid MOT certificate if it is over three years old so that it can be taxed and driven on the road. 
  • You should assess the condition of your SORN vehicle to ensure it is roadworthy and address any necessary repairs or maintenance before taxing and driving it.
  • You should also check if there are any outstanding penalties, fines, or unpaid parking tickets associated with your vehicle and clear any outstanding issues before taxing it to avoid complications.
  • You will need to ensure that you are the registered owner of the vehicle and have the necessary documentation, such as the V5C registration certificate, in your name. If there are any discrepancies or issues with ownership, these should be resolved before proceeding with taxing the vehicle.
  • You should determine the appropriate taxation class for your vehicle based on its type, emissions, and intended use (if it’s not done already) so that the vehicle tax amount can be calculated.
  • You will need to arrange the necessary funds to cover the vehicle tax amount and ensure you have the required payment ready. You should also confirm the accepted payment methods at the post office, such as cash or debit card.
  • After taxing your SORN vehicle, make sure it is roadworthy and ready to be driven safely. You may need to get essential components like brakes, tires, lights, and fluids checked to ensure they are in working order.


The above discussion helps to conclude that registered keepers can get their vehicle excise duty or road tax paid at a local post office that deals with road tax; as long as they have the required documents required for the application process and the due amount of road tax ready for payment.


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