Who Can Get A Brown Badge?

If you want to know who can get a Brown Badge in the UK, you will find detailed guidance in the following blog post about the eligibility criteria for a Brown Badge, who can claim one and what benefits can claimants avail of once they have a Brown Badge.

Who Can Get A Brown Badge?

The brown badge scheme is a local council initiative in the UK that allows people with disabilities to park their cars in specially designated parking spaces. The scheme is open to people of all ages, but it is especially beneficial for the elderly (older than 65 or 70 years) or those with mobility problems. 

The aim of the brown badge scheme is to make it easier for people with disabilities to access local amenities and services. Many brown badge holders say that the scheme has made a huge difference to their quality of life, as it enables them to live more independently. 

The purpose of a Brown Badge in the UK is to provide parking facilities for disabled drivers. The badges, which are issued at a local degree by local councils, are used to identify those drivers with a disability who need an accessible and appropriate parking space. 

The Brown Badges, which are often green or blue in colour, are issued the same way as Blue Badges, letting people display them in their windows and will be recognised when driving through areas with local authority-designed parking zones. 

The information required to apply for a brown badge is similar to that required for the blue badge as applicants must be able to prove their disability and meet certain criteria. 

If you are a UK resident with a disability, you may be eligible for a brown badge. To find out more, contact your local council.

How Does A Brown Badge Help Drivers?

The aim of the Brown Badge Scheme is to make life easier for UK residents with disabilities, by providing them with parking that is accessible to them, with consideration for their particular needs. 

For those with physical disabilities, having a Brown Badge means they can park closer to their destination, reducing the amount of time it takes them to get to where they need to go. 

The Brown Badge benefits the elderly in the UK by providing them with increased access to local amenities. Elderly residents often struggle with the long distances that they have to cover when accessing basic necessities and services, and the Brown Badge can help to alleviate this problem. 

The scheme enables elderly people to park closer to the services and amenities that they use, reducing the strain of having to make long journeys on foot or by public transport. The Brown Badge can also help increase the safety of elderly drivers. 

Parking at an appropriate distance from the destination means there is less chance of them experiencing an accident, such as hitting a parked car or another object. Elderly people often face the issue of not having enough strength or energy to manoeuvre a vehicle in difficult places, such as tight roads or parking spaces. 

Does The Brown Badge Replace The Blue Badge For Disabled Persons? 

Yes, the Brown Badge can be seen as an alternative to the widely-known blue badge scheme. The blue badge scheme, which is administered by the Department for Transport, is a nationally-recognised scheme that provides disabled people with improved access to parking. 

Although the blue badge scheme remains the main source of parking rights for disabled people, the Brown Badge has started to gain in popularity over recent years. While the blue badge provides disabled people with access to all parking facilities throughout the UK, the Brown Badge only provides access to local council parking facilities. 

Nevertheless, the Brown Badge can still be a great solution for those who need to park in areas that the blue badge does not cover. 


The Brown Badge scheme is a valuable initiative that can provide disabled and elderly drivers with independent access to the local amenities that they need. The badge is available to people with a range of disabilities and can be used to identify them and provide them with safe, accessible parking. 


Brown Badges – Hillingdon Council

Elderly person’s parking permit (Brown Badge) | Enfield Council

Brown badges go on-street