Target Help to Buy(A guide)

In this blog, we are going to talk about “Target Help to buy”. A lot of first-time buyers who have used the help to buy scheme to get on the property ladder always end up wondering who Target help to buy are as Target help to buy is usually mentioned in their help to buy pack.

If you are considering remortgaging your help to buy property or you want to pay off your help to buy loan you will also come across Target Help to buy or maybe you have seen Target Help to buy on your direct debit.

Who are Target?

Target is a company which administers loans from some lenders. Target will help borrowers who are clients of any lenders with any queries they may have such as payment queries, repayment queries etc.

There are many other financial institutions in the UK where Target is contracted to manage their lending, investment and insurance portfolios.

Who are Target Help to buy?

Target help to buy are the agency who are appointed by the government’s homes and communities department to administer the help to buy scheme. This means target help to buy deal with all aspects in regards to administering the help to buy scheme.  Target Help to buy also manage the administrative duties of all loans that were previously administered by Housing Options Plus (HOP), part of Metropolitan Housing Trust.

Target help to buy can help you with:

handling valuations on help to buy property

Transfer equity of your property

handling remortgage requests

handling staircasing requests

home improvement requests

sublet your home

move away from an army base

handing help to buy equity loan repayments etc.

If you have any questions about the charges on your account or any concerns then you can contact Target help to buy for more assistance.

If you have used any of the schemes below then Target help to buy will be the agency which will be your administrator.

Help to Buy


HomeBuy Direct

First Time Buyers Initiative

Armed Forces Home Ownership Scheme

London Wide Initiative.

Target Help to Buy

What fees do Target help to buy charge?

Target help to buy will have some administrative charges for any administrative process which you want to carry out.

If you want to carry out an administrative process which has a fee then you can pay this fees by contacting Target Help to buy on 0345 848 0235, quoting your account number

and stating the administration process you would like to proceed with. You should have your debit or credit card as this will be needed to process your payment.

The fees Target charge include differ from one product to the other- we have listed the Target fee tariff below :

HomeBuy Direct

Redemption- £250

Staircase- £250

Deed of Postponement (Remortgage)- £115

Subletting- £75

Move Away From Base- Not Applicable

Home Improvements- £75


Redemption- £250

Staircase- £250

Deed of Postponement (Remortgage)- £115

Subletting- £75

Move Away From Base- Not Applicable

Home Improvements- £75

First Time Buyers Initiative (FTBI)

Redemption- £200

Staircase- £200

Deed of Postponement (Remortgage)- £50

Subletting- £50

Move Away From Base- Not Applicable

Home Improvements- £50

Armed Forces Home Ownership Scheme (AFHOS)

Redemption- £200

Staircase- £200

Deed of Postponement (Remortgage)- £50

Subletting- Not Applicable

Move Away From Base- £30

Home Improvements- £50

Help to Buy

Redemption- £200

Staircase- £200

Deed of Postponement (Remortgage)- £115

Subletting- £50

Move Away From Base- Not Applicable

Home Improvements- £50

London Wide Initiative (LWI)

Redemption- £200

Staircase- £200

Deed of Postponement (Remortgage)- £50

Subletting- £50

Move Away From Base- Not Applicable

Home Improvements- £50

You cannot get a refund for any of these administrative charges.

How to contact Target help to buy?

You can contact Target help to buy via the following methods. When contacting target help to buy via email you should be aware that they may take seven to ten days for Target to reply.

Customer Service Team: 0345 848 0235

Phone Arrears Team: 0345 848 0236

Email:  Email

Address: Target HCA, PO Box 911, NEWPORT, NP20 9PA

The Target help to buy customer information pack

You can see a sample of the customer help to the help to buy customer information pack here.

If you need financial advice and you live in the UK then you could contact the Money Advice service over the phone or via chat for impartial advice.

You can also contact the debt charity “Step Change” if you are in debt and need help.