Newcastle Building Society Mortgage Calculator

You can use this sample Newcastle building society mortgage calculator to see how much your monthly mortgage repayments could be and if you can afford a mortgage.

Newcastle Building Society Mortgage Calculator

Tell us about you
Repayment type
First-time buyers are unlikely to be able to secure an interest only mortgage
Property value
Deposit amount
Mortage Term
27 years
Min 10
Max 40
Initial interest rate
Choose an example below, or enter a rate if you already know it
2-years fixed
3-years fixed
5-years fixed
Enter a Different Rate


For this sample newcastle building society mortgage calculator you will need to input:

Your mortgage deposit
Your ideal mortgage term
The ideal mortgage rate
And the property price

You will also need to choose if you are applying for an interest-only mortgage or a repayment mortgage.

Finally, you will need to choose if you are a first-time buyer remortgaging or moving homes.

The sample newcastle building society mortgage calculator will then let you know what your monthly mortgage repayments may look like and the loan to value rate you will have based on your mortgage deposit and property price.

This Sample newcastle building society mortgage calculator is only for guidance and may not truly reflect your mortgage affordability.

If you are currently looking to get a mortgage then you should not rely solely on the numbers from this newcastle building society mortgage calculator but instead, speak to an online mortgage broker who could assist you in understanding your mortgage affordability and then guide you with getting a mortgage for your chosen property.

An online mortgage broker would help you:

Prepare your mortgage documents
Get your mortgage or agreement in principle
Apply to any government scheme such as the help to buy equity loan
Prepare your mortgage application
Apply to the mortgage lender
And liaison with your conveyancer until completion.

Thank you for using this sample newcastle building society mortgage calculator. If you have any feedback please let us know.

If you need financial advice and you live in the UK then you could contact the Money Advice service over the phone or via chat for impartial advice.

You can also contact the debt charity “Step Change” if you are in debt and need help.