Letter to close bank account (Samples)
In this blog post, we will cover how to write up the Letter to close bank account.
In most cases, if you want to close your bank account you can simply contact your bank via phone and let them know.
In this brief blog post, we will provide various sample letters which you can use to close your bank account.
Letter to close bank account (sample 1)
The Bank Manager
State Bank
Bank manager address
RE: Letter to close my bank account
This is to inform you that I would like to close my bank account in your bank. The details of my bank account are listed as under along with the unused check numbers.
Savings Account Number:
Sort code:
There are no due checks to be cleared under these accounts. I request you to give the remaining balance of my account in check and send it to my postal address. If that would take time, then I request you to transfer the balance amount to my new bank account at XXX Bank, whose account number is xxx and sort code is xxx.
In case of any further information or queries, kindly contact me at my email address which is xxx@xxx.com. You can also call me at 0123456789.
Thanking you for your assistance for the same.
John Doe

Letter to close bank account (sample 2)
“Ms. Muriel Morse
Postal Address
5 July, 2010
Mr. Mark Roberts
Personal Finance Advisor
Little Town Bank
Postal Address
Dear Mr. Roberts,
Further to our telephone conversation this afternoon I would like to confirm that I wish for my Super Special Saver savings account, number 123-45-678, be closed. This account is in my full name, Muriel Marie Morse.
I further wish for the outstanding balance of this account, £12,432.00 to be transferred to my current account, number 234 – 56-789, also in the name Muriel Marie Morse.
I will be confirming on Friday via my online banking facility that both the closure and the transfer have taken place. Should there be any problems with either action please let me know as soon as possible on [Telephone Number]. If I find that these actions have not occurred as directed I will be in touch with you directly.
Kind Regards,
Muriel Morse “

Letter to close bank account (sample 3)
Account Closing Letter
Current Account Number
Customer Name Date
To Whom It May Concern:
Please accept this letter as my written authorization to close the following account(s) at your financial institution. All of my
transactions have cleared and I have stopped all currently scheduled debits and credits to my account.
Account Type (Checking, Savings, Debit Card) Account or Card Number
Please forward remaining funds to me at the following address:
John Doe

Letter to close bank account (sample 4)
“RE: Close My Accounts
This letter is to inform you I am closing my accounts at your bank. Please close the account(s) listed
below and send me a check for the remaining balance(s).
If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me in writing or at the telephone number listed below.
Thank you for your prompt assistance.

Letter to close bank account (sample 5)
“ Dear Bank Manager
I now want to close my bank account. Please send me a cheque of anything left over in my account via post to this address.
John Doe”
In this brief guide, we provided different sample letters to close your bank account. If you have any questions or comments please let us know.
If you need financial advice and you live in the UK then you could contact the Money Advice service over the phone or via chat for impartial advice.
You can also contact the debt charity “Step Change” if you are in debt and need help.