Immediate car finance (Review)
In this brief guide, we will discuss immediate car finance and how to build your credit score and history.
Immediate car finance
Immediate car finance is a credit broker in the Uk with FACA registration number 768696. They are focused on helping people with bad credit scores and history finance a car.
The process of applying for a car with immediate car finance is relatively simple. You can apply for a car online, receive a decision within a few hours and collect your car on the same day without the need for a down payment in most cases.
You can apply for a car with immediate car finance if::
You are on the Electoral Roll / Have a Good Reference
You are employed / self-employed / on benefits
You have a full UK driving License

You may be accepted for a car with immediate car finance if you have any of the below:
DLA & Benefits
No Deposit
Self employed
HP Arrears
Agency Workers
Rent Arrears
HM Workers
Full Time & Part Time Employment
Mortgage Arrears

The type of cars you could get with immediate car finance include:
Low Tax
Fuel Efficient
10 plate & newer car models
Contact immediate car finance
Depending on where you live, you can use the below numbers to contact immediate car finance:
HEAD OFFICE- 1613 002488
BRISTOL- 01172 448 969
NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE – 0191 487 8762
SHEFFIELD – 01142 870 267
SOUTHAMPTON – 01489 795 193
WEST MIDLANDS – 01782 940208
ENFIELD – 01442 507086
You can also contact them via their website.
Building your credit score and history
If you have bad credit then looking to build your credit score and history could ensure you qualify for better financial products in the future.
You can build your credit score by:
Registering to vote and getting on the electoral roll
Getting a secured credit card
Getting a credit builder card
Getting a credit builder loan
Avoid getting rejected for credit
Keep your credit accounts open for as long as possible
In this brief guide, we discussed immediate car finance.
If you need financial advice and you live in the UK then you could contact the Money Advice service over the phone or via chat for impartial advice.
You can also contact the debt charity “Step Change” if you are in debt and need help.