How Early Can I Tax My Car At The Post Office?
There are a number of options available to vehicle owners to pay their car tax on time as well in a way that they find convenient. Through this blog post, we aim to learn how early a vehicle owner tax their car at the post office. Additionally, we will also explore how early one can tax their car using a direct debit facility; as well as how car tax payments are adjusted if you pay them during the course of a month. In the end, we will discuss whether car tax can be paid in the absence of important documents and if so, what is the procedure to be followed.
How Early Can I Tax My Car At The Post Office?
You can tax your car 2 months in advance if you are going to tax your vehicle at the post office. You will need the following documents to apply for advance payment of car tax:
- your V5C certificate or vehicle logbook registered in your name
- a letter explaining your reason to pay your car tax in advance
- a completed form V10 (you will find this on the DVLA website)
- a cheque, postal order or banker’s draft mentioning the amount to be paid and addressed to DVLA, Swansea
You can only use a V10 for advance payment of car tax through the post office under the following conditions:
- you have not received a V11 reminder for car tax payment from the DVLA
- there has been a change to your vehicle details such as a change in tax class
- you have experienced a break in taxing the vehicle as it was not being driven
- the vehicle that is being taxed is currently declared SORN
Otherwise, if you wish to make an advance payment for car tax for a shorter duration of time, you can pay your car tax online on the 5th day of the next month to make sure that your car tax is valid until the end of the month. This payment can be made using a direct debit facility through your bank, a debit card or a credit card.
How Early Can I Tax My Car Using Direct Debit?
While most individuals who use a direct debit facility do so to make timely payments on a monthly basis; however you can make advance payments for car tax for the following time frames if you wish to use the direct debit facility through your bank:
- every month
- every 6 months
- every 12 months
No matter which time frame you choose, your car tax will be deducted as per your selected option on the first date of the month.
These are payments for the current car tax that is due on your vehicle during a tax term. If you wish to pay car tax in advance before it runs out or the current tax term ends, you can make an advance payment for 2 months.
If I Tax My Car During The Month When Will It Start From?
If you pay your car tax on a monthly basis and you tax your car today (this means anytime during the month), the current month during which you make the payment will be accounted for. This means that since car tax starts from the first day of the month if you make a payment anytime during the month, the entire month will be paid for. While this may benefit you if you make a payment in the early days of a new month, you might feel at a loss when you make a car tax payment after the 15th day of the ongoing month.
The DVLA gives car owners the option to make car tax payments on a monthly, six-monthly or annual basis. While the first two options carry a 5% surcharge, you may find it more financially feasible to pay your car tax on an annual basis.
Can I Tax My Car Without A Vehicle Logbook?
Yes, you can pay your car tax without your vehicle logbook or a V5C if the vehicle is registered in your name.
If you have received a V11 reminder notice from the DVLA which states the vehicle owner’s name and the amount of car tax due for the next tax term, you can use it as proof of identification. If it is a new vehicle you will need a V5C/2 Green slip that is issued to new car owners while the ownership of their vehicle is transferred from the previous owner. However, if the car is not registered in your name, neither can you pay car tax, nor drive it on public roads.
In the permanent absence of a V5C, your car will be declared as SORN; Statutory Off-Road Notification until the new logbook arrives which can take up to a few weeks’ time. You must apply for a V5C immediately for a fee of £25, in case you have not done so. Not carrying your logbook can lead to a penalty being charged by the DVLA.
Can I Tax My Car Without Valid Insurance?
No, you cannot tax your car without valid insurance. When a car owner applies for car tax payment, the DVLA checkss the MOT status of the vehicle and if it carries valid insurance. In the absence of either of these, car owners are asked to first update their MOT and car insurance, then pay their car tax. When all three requirements are met, you can drive your car on public roads.
If you are not sure about your vehicle insurance being updated, you can check the details online at Motor Insurance Database.
We’ve learnt from the above discussion that you can pay your car tax in advance for up to 2 months. However, you need to apply to the DVLA with a formal letter of request for the reason behind your advance payment as well as fill out a form V10. Vehicle owners will need to make sure that as they prepare for advance payment of their car tax, their vehicle insurance and MOT are also updated.
FAQs: How Early Can I Tax My Car At The Post Office?
Can I tax my car online on a Sunday?
Yes, you can tax your car online on a Sunday. In fact, you can tax your car any day or time of the week if you wish to make an online payment using your debit or credit card.
Does car tax go from the 1st of the month?
Yes, car tax is accounted for from the first day of the month to its last day. Therefore, it is better to pay your car tax at the beginning of the month to avoid losing a month’s payment.
Can you tax a car before the end of the month?
Yes, you can tax your car before the end of the month by the 5th day. You can make this payment online, through direct debit, postal order, or cheque.
Do I need to tax my car as soon as I buy it?
If you have purchased a brand new car, dealers usually arrange for payment for your car tax. Most of the time your car tax is included along with the price of your car and any registration fee that is to be levied. In the case of a second-hand car, if the dealer does not arrange a logbook transfer to your name, you can do the same by contacting the DVLA website.
What happens if you get caught without car tax?
If you get caught without car tax, you will be fined £80. If you pay the fine within 28 days, the amount will be halved. However, if you do not pay the fine within the stipulated time, the amount can increase to £1,000 and you can be taken to court or your vehicle can be clamped.
Buy Or Renew Your Vehicle Tax | Identity | Post Office®
Apply for vehicle tax in advance – GOV.UK
Everything You Need to Know About Vehicle Tax and Insurance
Vehicle tax Direct Debit payments: Change how often you pay – GOV.UK