Do I Need Planning Permission To Put A Door On A Carport?

This blog post aims to help readers in answering the question of whether or not they need Planning Permission if they wish to put a door on their carport. To explain the governing rules regarding this matter in detail, we will discuss the essentials of Planning Permission for a carport as well as discuss the essential factors to be considered under Permitted Development and Building Regulations. 

Do I Need Planning Permission To Put A Door On A Carport?

No, you do not need Planning Permission to put a door on a carport as long as you abide by the planning portal’s requirements. 

Generally speaking, if you are installing a garage door or changing the style of the door, you do not need Planning Permission as it is viewed as permitted development. 

The reason is that garage doors usually do not change the footprint or original structure of the building or enlarge it in any way. However, a freestanding carport is considered an extension; therefore, general planning permission rules will apply to it.

Some of these include the following:

  • The carport must be used for domestic purposes only.
  • The area being used for the carport must lie within the boundary of the property.
  • The areas being used for the carport must occupy not more than 50% of the total area of the property (excluding the main house).
  • No part of the carport should face the principal or side elevation of a house that is road-facing.
  • The carport structure should not be more than 4 metres in height.
  • If you live in a listed building, you will need Listing Building Consent to build a carport.

However, when it comes to the requirements established by the planning portal, these regulations are specific to each property and area. Therefore, it would be advisable to seek the advice of an expert or your local council office before you start any work on our property.

Additionally, if building regulations are not met, residents may be asked to pay a fine or redo the construction to its original form or both. If someone deliberately proceeds with modifications to their property without seeking approval from Building Control, the local authority may take enforcement action and residents may have to appear in a magistrate’s court for a hearing before being issued a penalty. 

If you are thinking about what type of carport door to install, you may consider having a roller door installed as compared to the usual up-and-over door. The roller door is insulated and secure; plus it keeps environmental factors such as leaves, dust and water at bay.

Do I Need Planning Permission For A Carport Or Garage?

No, you will not need the approval of Planning Permission to build or install a carport or garage as long as you abide by the regulations set in Permitted Development and Building Regulations. This means that essentially your carport or garage should not be more than 4 metres in height and should not occupy more than half of the garden area of your property.

Residents need to make sure that when a garage is being installed or constructed in their house, the following conditions are met by them:

  • garages and outbuildings can only be one storey high with a maximum height of 4m
  • the garage that is built can be no larger than 50% of the building’s original blueprint 
  • there can be no raised boundaries, including balconies

However, you will need Building Regulations, in this case, to make sure that your property is not only safe and hazard-free but also improves the overall living standard for you and your surroundings. 

Is Putting A Door On A Carport Included In Permitted Development?

Yes, if you are putting a door on a carport, you will be relieved to know that it is included in Permitted Development. The scope of Permitted Development runs across varied projects that may be related to the internal or external structure of a property. 

Other home improvement projects under Permitted Development include the following:

  • building of a small rear extension 
  • construction of a porch 
  • changes of use including loft, garage or basement conversions
  • knocking down internal walls
  • installation of solar panels 
  • installation of satellite dishes 
  • addition of roof lights or dormer windows

You can refer to Studio Charrette’s Planning Consultancy Calculator to confirm whether your planned construction meets the required regulations and also get an estimate on the cost.

What Building Regulations Do I Need For Putting A Carport Door?

When you make structural changes to your property, you need to abide by certain quality standards that are part of Building Regulations. These have been set to assure that the health and safety of the residents will not be compromised in any way as a result of the said modifications to the property and include the following:

  • Structural changes such as house extensions or conversions should not affect a load-bearing wall, beam or chimney breast or which will make access to property difficult. 
  • There should be no electrical safety concerns due to the addition of fuse boxes or plugs, or a change of electrics that causes new electrical wiring.
  • Installation of heating appliances such as a boiler, radiator or fuel-burning appliance should be managed with extreme caution.
  • There should be no concern for fire hazards due to construction work and the escape route (of the added/converted section to the premises) must comply with fire safety standards.
  • Installation of a new bathroom or kitchen should not affect the overall plumbing of the house.
  • New windows, doors or fixed air-conditioning systems should meet the safety and design standards set by Building Regulations.


The above discussion highlights the fact that you do not need Planning Permission if you intend to put a door on your carport. However, you need to go through the essentials of Permitted Development and Building Regulations to make sure that the work that you do on your property meets quality standards and UK regulations.


Do You Need Planning Permission for a Garage Door?

Do I need planning permission for a carport? | Stormclad

Do I need planning permission for a garage or carport? | My Home Extension