Can I Report My Neighbour For Harassment?

If someone is being harassed by their neighbour, they may be wondering about the options they have and if they can report their neighbour for harassment. They may also ponder on whom to contact first; whether it should be the council, the police or the courts. In this blog post, we’ll explore the answers to these questions and more, so that you can decide what the best course of action is for you.

Can I Report My Neighbour For Harassment?

Yes, you can report your neighbour for harassment. 

If you feel like you are being harassed by your neighbour, there are a few things you can do. In the UK, there are laws against harassment, so you may be able to take legal action.

First, try to talk to your neighbour and see if you can resolve the issue between the two of you. If that doesn’t work, or if you don’t feel comfortable talking to your neighbour, you can contact your local housing association or council. They may be able to help you resolve the issue informally.

If informal methods don’t work, or if the harassment is severe, you can make a formal complaint. This can be done by contacting your local police station or by going to court. If you go to court, you will need to prove that your neighbour has been harassing you and that this has had a negative effect on your life.

Harassment is a criminal offence and is punishable by law. If you believe that you are being harassed by your neighbour, you should contact your local police station.

The police will investigate the matter and, if they believe that a crime has been committed, they will take action against the offender. This may include charging them with a criminal offence or taking action under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003.

The council may also take action against your neighbour if they believe that they are causing a nuisance or causing distress to you or other residents in the area. This could involve serving them with an abatement notice or taking other enforcement action.

If your neighbour is engaging in behaviour that is making you feel threatened or intimidated, you can contact the police immediately. This could include things like playing loud music late at night, using abusive language, or making threats of violence. The police may be able to speak to your neighbour about their behaviour and help resolve the situation.

What Actions Are Covered Under Harassment For Being Reported To Authorities?

Some examples of behaviour that could be classed as harassment include discriminatory comments regarding the following:

  • age
  • disability
  • race
  • religion or philosophical beliefs
  • gender
  • sexuality
  • gender reassignment

In addition to this, if your neighbour is doing any of the following acts, it will also be classed as harassment:

  • making excessive noise
  • playing music loudly at unsociable hours
  • repeatedly parking in your space
  • verbally abusing or threatening you or your family
  • damaging your property

If you are being harassed by a neighbour, it is important to try and resolve the issue in the best possible manner. Several organisations can offer advice and support, such as Citizens Advice. In extreme cases, you may need to involve the police.

What Support Can I Get If I Am Being Harassed By A Neighbour?

If you are being harassed by a neighbour, there are a few things that you can do to get help and protection. 

You can contact your landlord, local council or housing association and they may be able to provide you with some support, advice, and protection. For instance, they can help to provide the following for your safety:

  • fitting locks 
  • vandal-proof letterboxes 
  • fences
  • lighting 
  • alarm systems

While you should not feel any compulsion to move, if you are a social housing tenant and you feel safer in doing so, you can ask your social housing landlord or council authorities to move you to another place of residence.

You can also contact the police if you feel like you are in danger or if the harassment is becoming a criminal matter. 

Can I Take My Neighbour To Court For Harassment?

If you’re being harassed by your neighbour, you may be wondering if you can take them to court. The answer is yes, you can file a case against them in the UK. However, there are a few things to consider before doing so.

First, you’ll need to decide what type of harassment you’re experiencing. There are three main types of harassment:

  • Physical harassment: This includes things like assault, sexual assault, and stalking.
  • Verbal harassment: This includes things like name-calling, threats, and insults.
  • Non-verbal harassment: This includes things like obscene gestures, property damage, and playing loud music late at night.

Once you’ve determined the type of harassment, you’ll need to gather evidence. This can be things like photos, videos, witness statements, and police reports. Once you have this evidence, you can then file a case against your neighbour in the UK courts.

In the UK, there are two main ways that a person can be charged with harassment: through the criminal courts or the civil courts. If the harassment is of a criminal nature (for example, if your neighbour is making threats or causing you fear of violence), then they can be prosecuted through the criminal courts. If the harassment is not of a criminal nature but is still causing you distress, then you can take them to civil court.

When taking your neighbour to civil court, you will need to prove that they have been harassing you and that this has caused you distress. If the court agrees, they can order your neighbour to stop harassing you and/or pay you compensation.

If your neighbour is convicted of harassment through the criminal courts, they could face a fine, a prison sentence, or both. The maximum prison sentence for harassment in the UK is six months.


This article has clearly outlined the acts that are classed as harassment such as repeated unwanted communication, following someone, passing discriminatory comments and making threats. If you are being harassed by your neighbour, you have a few options. You can contact the police, the council, or the courts for help; depending on the citation that you are facing. 


Check what you can do about harassment – Citizens Advice

Protection from Harassment

Complaining about your neighbour – Citizens Advice