How Do Amazon Flex Workers Pay Their Tax In The UK?

You would know that as an Amazon Flex worker in the UK, you are required to pay income tax on any earnings you receive from delivering packages. While the amount of tax you owe will depend on your income and the tax bracket you are in; the following blog post will guide you on how to file your income tax in the UK if you are an Amazon Flex worker.

How Do Amazon Flex Workers Pay Their Tax In The UK?

Paying income tax as an Amazon Flex worker in the UK is simple if you follow the steps outlined here.

If you are an Amazon Flex worker in the United Kingdom, you will need to fill in a Self Assessment tax return in order to pay income tax. This is a form that you can fill in online or download and print. You will need to include your Amazon Flex earnings, as well as any other income you have received during the tax year. 

This means that, unlike the PAYE system that allows employers to automatically deduct income tax from their employee’s income and pay it forward to the HMRC, you will be considered a self-employed individual if you are an Amazon Flex worker.

Being self-employed means that not only are you responsible for your own earnings, but you are also responsible for filing your tax returns yourself (and through an employer).

You will also need to pay National Insurance contributions as an Amazon Flex worker. These contributions go towards your state pension and other benefits. 

Lastly, you may also be required to pay VAT if you are registered for VAT. This is a tax that is charged on goods and services that are sold in the UK. 

What Do I Need To Do To Pay Income Tax As An Amazon Flex Worker In The Uk?

The first step to paying income tax as an Amazon Flex worker in the UK is to determine how much you owe. This will depend on your total income and the tax bracket you are in. 

The UK has a progressive tax system, which means that tax is paid at different rates depending on how much you earn. 

In addition to income tax, you may also be required to pay National Insurance Contributions (NICs). These contributions go towards your state pension and other benefits. 

You can also set up a Personal Tax account on the HMRC website to manage your payments. If you are registered for VAT, you will also need to pay this tax on any goods or services you sell in the UK. VAT is charged at a rate of 20%. 

How Do I Fill In A Self-Assessment Tax Return If I Am An Amazon Flex Worker?

Once you have determined how much tax you owe, you can then fill in a Self Assessment tax return using the SA100 form. 

You will need to make sure that you include the following key information in this form:

  • 10-digit Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR)
  • National Insurance number (NINO)
  • Employer reference (if you have one)
  • Full name and address 

Additionally, you will also need to add details of all your incomes through wages, benefits, and pensions.

You will also need to mention the details of any allowances that you qualify for (for tax relief purposes). These include Gift Aid Allowance, Blind Person’s Allowance and Marriage Allowance.

You will then need to fill in the tax return form with your bank details and make the payment. This can be done online or by post. It is important to make sure that the payment is made by the deadline, otherwise, you may be liable to pay a penalty. 

You can also keep track of your payments with a Personal Tax Account.


Paying income tax as an Amazon Flex worker in the UK is relatively straightforward, but there are a few things to consider. You need to make sure that you declare any earnings you receive and that you pay the correct amount of tax. You also need to be aware of how National Insurance Contributions and VAT work, as these taxes, may be applicable to your situation. Ultimately, it is important to make sure you submit your tax return form and make payments on time to avoid penalties.


Tax Guide: Amazon seller UK – TaxScouts

Tax for Self-Employed Amazon Flex Drivers –