Can You Get Money From Child Tax Credit With A Backdated Claim?

If you are wondering whether or not you can get money from Child Tax Credit with a backdated claim, you will find the answer in the following blog post as we discuss the possibilities of applying for a backdated claim while Child Tax Credit is being replaced with Universal Credit and assess the eligibility criteria for a backdated claim under the circumstances.

Can You Get Money From Child Tax Credit With A Backdated Claim?

While one could get money from Child Tax Credit with a backdated claim; however, no new claims for Child Tax Credit are accepted by HMRC anymore as the benefit has been replaced with Universal Credit and backdated claims cannot be made under Universal Credit.

When new claims for Child Tax Credit were still being accepted, claimants would automatically receive payments taking the previous 31 days into account. This means that Child Tax Credits, considered new claims with a backdated payment that allowed claimants to claim money from the previous month as well. If they needed to backdate their Child Tax Credit payments even further than that, they could apply for a backdated claim as well through the HMRC. 

However, now that Universal Credit has replaced Child Tax Credit all over the UK, new claims cannot be applied for anymore; unless the claimant is already receiving payments for Working Tax Credit or they are living in the UK under refugee status. 

That said, if you are already receiving payments for Child Tax Credit and have not transitioned to Universal Credit, you can get money in the form of a backdated claim. This too, is only an available option until the end of 2024 as all CTC claimants are being asked to apply for Universal Credit so that the transition can be processed.

Until then, you can apply for a backdated claim for Child Tax Credit if you receive payments from either of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance (income-based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income-related)
  • Pension Credit

Additionally, if you wish to apply for a backdated claim for Child Tax Credits for more than 31 days in the past, you may be able to qualify for the payment if you meet either of the following conditions:

  • you are granted refugee status in the UK and you file for a backdated claim for CTC within a month of getting refugee status
  • you qualify for certain sickness or disability benefits, such as Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment and apply within 31 days of qualifying 

How Can You Get Money From Child Tax Credit With A Backdated Claim?

You can contact the Tax Credits department at HMRC to apply for a Child Tax Credit backdated claim. Claims can be made by phone by calling the Tax Credits helpline at 0345 300 3900, online or by requesting a backdated form to be filled in by the claimant.

In either case, you would have to provide the following information in support of your backdated claim for Child Tax Credit:

  • your name, address and National Insurance number
  • the date when you became employed
  • the date when you started getting one of the benefits (if you are not employed)
  • the date you received a decision on your refugee status or disability benefits (if applicable)

How Do You Know If You Are Eligible To Get Money From Child Tax Credit With A Backdated Claim?

The first key point to consider while evaluating whether or not you are eligible for a backdated claim from Child Tax Credit is to assess your current status as a benefit claimant. If you are receiving payments from Child Tax Credit (and will not need to apply for a fresh claim along with a backdated payment request), you are eligible to proceed to the next step in the process.

Recipients of Child Tax Credit payments can apply for a backdated claim if they are eligible for the payment based on any of these grounds:

  • the claimant has experienced a change of circumstances such as a reduction in their income, working hours, number of children in their household
  • disability elements need to be added to their existing claim when the claimant or a child starts receiving disability benefits
  • the claimant is living in the UK under refugee status or seeking asylum

If you are not sure about your eligibility for a backdated claim for Child Tax Credit, you may find help and support through free advice from Citizen’s Advice Bureau.


The above discussion highlights the many factors to consider while applying for a backdated claim under Child Tax Credit. However, if you are already a recipient of the benefit, you can simply apply for a backdated claim as long as you meet the eligibility criteria.


Challenging a working or child tax credits decision – mandatory reconsideration – Citizens Advice

Backdating tax credits

How to claim tax credits: Backdate a claim – GOV.UK